Travel Gallery

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Sri Lanka in Brief

What was your overall impression?

George: It's a beautiful country in a state of disrepair, but somehow the creeping vegetation and rust seem to add to the environment rather than detract from it. The whole country feels antiquated and that makes it a verry enngaguing place to walk around.

Ewan: An Island with stunning scenery and impressive views. For me one of the most prominent memories I'll have is of the railway and its diversity; alond the shoreline into forest covered mountains.

Best Moment?

G: Walking on a beach in a thunder storm. After a day of overheating the rain was bliss, and the image of the waves smashing into the rows of palm trees was unforgetable.

E: Getting the tour around Kandy with Kapila. We saw more in one day than we did in the rest of the trip put together. It was a purely spontaneous impulse and it paid off. Kandy is a Gem.

Best Dish?

G: A little difficult for me as due to illness I spent most of the week nibbling on chips at infrequent intervals. The best meal was probably the steak and chips I had on the first night, but as it gave me food poisoning the second time around I'm not sure I'd recommend it.

E: After our food poisoning escapade the confidence was struck somewhat. However, I'm glad (with no regrets...yet) that I plucked up the courage to try an extremely hot, yet traditional Sri Lankan curry. There were spices in it I'd never tasted before. It blew my head off!

Favourite form of transport?

G: It has to be the train. Its barely changed since the British introduced it and everything runs cheaply and on time. (Why can't we manage this in our own country?) Its great travelling the same way as the locals, really makes you appreciate the difference that the trainline makes to the country.

E: Although my first experiences of a tuk tuk and their drivers was a hairy and exhilerating one, nothing beats the train for me. I can't believe how scenic some of the routes were! Loved every second of leaning out of the open doorway, with the onrushing air cooling me down as Sri Lanka passed me by.

Top tip?

G: Be careful what you eat! It really can be difficult to tell if a restaurant is safe or not so be as careful as you can. Food poisoning is very possible and can really blow a hole in your trip.

E: Often, journeys took longer than expected. Its easy to assume Sri Lanka is a small island...its not. Leave plenty of time for travel.

Would you go back?

G: Yes, but I'd take a good food guide.

E: Definitely, Sri Lanka and I have unfinished business!

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